The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) has identified six cases of Alpha-gal Syndrome (AGS), making it a reportable condition in the state. AGS causes an allergy to mammalian meat and is linked to lone star tick bites. Click here to learn more.
What to do if your exposed? What tests are available? How long should I wait before testing? We’ve got answers for your frequent questions here.
Welcome to Atracare Health! We officially opened as of October 13, and look forward to greeting and treating YOU. Since our opening, we have seen over 2,000 patients – wow!
Want a sneak peak inside our new facility?! Come check out what’s going on!
Healthcare professionals have waited almost 15 years for updated Community-acquired Pneumonia (CAP) Guidelines. Use this link to access the Infectious Disease Society of America’s publication.
Where did the name come from? What does it mean? Atracare itself is a made up name, but the meaning behind our company’s conception mirrors the root word aspire.