Credit Card Policy

Card on File Policy 

Atracare requires that almost all patients provide a form of payment (“Card on File”) in case of further patient cost responsibility after insurance adjudication for their visit. This mandatory “Card on File” policy allows for smoother transactions and billing for our patients and will ensure that Atracare can collect for services rendered in a timely manner from all patients. 

The only patients not required to provide a “Card on File” are listed: 

  • Patients experiencing a medical emergency 
  • Medicare or Medicaid or dual coverage patients 
  • Self-pay patients when visit is paid in full at time of service 

Options for Card on File include: HSA, HRA, FSA, Debit Card, Credit Card 

Please be assured that payment card information is tokenized and will be safely held on a secure, encrypted site. No financial information will be available to our staff, held in our system, or at our office. Atracare follows all HIPAA and PCI compliance regulations. 

Co-pays and deductibles will still be collected at each visit (if applicable). We will submit all patient claims to insurance as usual. 

When the insurance claim is processed, the patient should receive an Explanation Of Benefits (EOB), either in the mail or electronically from their insurer that outlines the patient’s responsibility for services rendered. We also receive a copy of the EOB from our patient’s insurer and will charge the card on file the amount indicated as patient responsibility for services rendered within 3-5 business days of receipt of that EOB. If there is no balance due as per the EOB, the card on file will not be charged. 

Your credit card on file can be used for the following reasons (1) Visit payments not collected from you at the beginning of the visit (2) No show or late cancellation charge (3) Insurance discrepancies 

This new policy will in no way prevent you from being able to dispute a charge or question your insurance company’s determination of payment. If you have any questions about this payment method, or any charges to the card on file please do not hesitate to call our Billing Office at (302) 212-9096. 

I have read the above policy and authorize Atracare to charge my credit per the terms of this policy. This authorization shall remain in effect until Atracare has received written notification from me of its termination. 

Patient FAQ: 

Why the new policy? 

The financial burden continues to be shifted to the patient due to increasing factors within the healthcare market. Our payment policy helps patients better manage these costs and simplifies the patient experience, allowing us to focus more on delivering exceptional patient care. 

How can I trust that you will keep my card safe? 

With HIPAA regulations and PCI compliance, we are under strict guidelines in terms of protecting patient privacy and credit card information. We do not keep any credit card, debit card, or HSA/FSA card information on file in our office, or on any of our computers. 

How much are you going to charge my card? 

You will be charged the amount indicated on your EOB (less any payments made at the time of service including co-pays). Once your card is charged you will receive a receipt via the patient portal or by email. 

What is a deductible and how does it affect me? 

An annual deductible is the dollar amount you must pay out of pocket during the year for medical expenses before your insurance coverage begins. For example, if your policy has a $500 deductible, you must pay the first $500 of medical expenses before your insurance company begins to pay for any services. 

How will I know if my deductible has been met? 

You may find out when your deductible is met by calling your insurance company at any time. Some insurance companies also have this information available online. In addition, we are able to check any deductibles due by using a third party vendor provided by your insurance company. 

What happens if I do not have a credit card? 

We also accept HSA, HRA, FSA, Debit or Credit Cards. 

What happens if I need to dispute my bill? 

We will always work with you to determine if there has been a mistake on your bill, and we will refund you if we have made a billing error. We will only charge you the amount that we are instructed to by your insurance carrier in your EOB. You can contact our billing department with any questions. 

I’ve always paid my bills on time, why do I have to give you a credit card? Due to the complexities of the current healthcare laws, we will take this approach with all our patients.

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