Better Understanding the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

At Atracare Health we are committed to being your partner in health and as such we want to share the latest information to alleviate fear and concern over the COVID vaccine.  

This article serves to provide patients with additional information that will help answer any questions.

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

Atracare is allocated to receive the Pfizer vaccine.  The schedule is one dose (0.3mL), followed by a second identical dose (0.3mL) in 21 days.

The 2nd dose

Due to delays in manufacturing and distribution, we are unable to anticipate when the next dose will be delivered.  Because of this, we have asked for and received guidance from Pfizer and from the Delaware Department of Public Health that the second dose can be given up to 42 days after the first dose and the patient still benefits from a boost in immunity.  So, if you cannot get the 2nd dose right away, do not worry.  Patients still get between 50-70% immunity from just one shot.  By comparison, the flu vaccine only offers between 45-55% immunity each year.  Simply continue to search for access and get vaccinated when you are able.

Scheduling a 2nd dose

Anyone who received their first dose from Atracare will receive an email about two and a half weeks after their first dose to let them know either (a) how to schedule their second dose at Atracare, or (b) where they might be able to find a second dose.

Do Not Cross Vaccines

The Pfizer vaccine was intended to be boosted (the second dose) with only another Pfizer vaccine.  Do not switch to Moderna.  While there is no evidence of any adverse reactions when switching vaccines, there is also no evidence that you will get the immunity boost that is desired with a second dose.  Studies are limited on this but more information may be forth-coming in the future.

Adverse Reactions

While adverse events to vaccination can occur, severe reactions are rare and manageable.  The most common side effect is arm soreness since we are injecting a foreign substance (the vaccine) into your muscle tissue which causes local damage.  If you have any shortness of breath or trouble breathing, go directly to the nearest emergency room.

Continue Mask Wearing

Even though you gain immunity with a vaccine shot, it typically takes 2-3 weeks for the immune system to build antibodies.  Please continue to wear a mask, socially distance yourself, and wash your hands until further instructed by public health authorities.


For additional information you can visit our COVID Vaccine Page to read more.  Thank you!

23 New comments

Robert Gilbert | Reply

I got the first Pfitzer EL3246 from ACME. Could I get my second from you? 21 days is up on February 8. I have a home in Lewes Beach.

    William Albanese | Reply

    Hello. Were you able to get your second shot? If not, email and we will record your name on our list for the second shot.

Kathy Herlehy Douglass | Reply

My mother is 94 yrs old and I am her caretaker. She had #1 does vaccine at the DMV & waited 4 hrs to get it. Please please HELP ME to find her #2 dose vaccine. Phisher.
Sincerely, KATHY Herlehy-Douglass

    William Albanese | Reply

    Hi! Great question. You can get your second shot here. I will add you to the list for our second shots. They go out by appointment only.

    If you need a second shot of Pfizer vaccine and you didn’t get the first one here, you can email to let us know and we will record your email address.

    Thanks for reaching out!

Maryrose Rybak | Reply

When do you post new vaccine time slot to schedule for a vaccine?

    William Albanese | Reply

    6PM. Please see our website on the vaccine. It outlines all this information for you. Thanks for reaching out!

M/M Richard Campbell | Reply

We would like to know if we may schedule appointments for second Pfizer covid shot? We did not receive first from you. We are both well over 70 and have our card showing initial vaccination

    William Albanese | Reply

    Hi! Great question. You can get your second shot here. I will add you to the list for our second shots. They go out by appointment only.

    If you need a second shot of Pfizer vaccine and

    to let us know and we will record your email address.

    Thanks for reaching out!


Please thank you office so much for providing and administering the COVID vaccine to us.
Your office/employees were very professional and a pleasure to deal with anytime we were there. I recommend your office to all our friends/neighbors….

William/Rosemary Heffernan

Susan | Reply

I was lucky to get an appointment at Aspira two weeks ago. I understand that I should be on your list to receive my second vaccine. Is that true? I was so impressed my the professional staff and prompt service. Thank you so much. S.B.L.

    William Albanese | Reply

    Thank you for the kind words. Yes, we will email you to schedule your second shot. You will get an email 1-3 days before the dose is due.

James A Chupella | Reply


I am a patient of aspira and
have a question, does having medical issues allow a person to get the vaccine earlier? I am manic depressive, bipolar, low end of high blood pressure, hereditary tremors, migraines, have loss hearing in my left ear due to an overdose of NSAIDS and have constant buzzing in both ears as well.I am in a surgical shoe as well due to recent foot surgery.

    William Albanese | Reply

    Thank you for the question. Right now the state regulates who can get the vaccine and we are held to 1A and 65 years and older. Medical conditions do not qualify individuals for the vaccine at our clinic.

James A Chupella | Reply

Thanks for getting back to me and for providing the information. Several of my friends had heard that Delaware does provide Different services for people with certain medical conditions, obviously they were misinformed. When my category is called can i schedule on line or do i need call you? Thank You!

William Albanese | Reply

We just got permission from the state to open up to all of 1B so we will be updating our website and increasing our vaccinations. Thanks for the support Mr. Chupella!

Angelia | Reply

Fantastic website. Plenty of helpful info
here. I’m sending it to a few pals ans also sharing in delicious.
And of course, thank you to your effort!

    William Albanese | Reply

    Thank you for the kind words! We appreciate the efforts.

Karen | Reply

What DE locations are you administering the COVID Vaccine?

    William Albanese | Reply

    We currently administer vaccine according to our schedule that is listed on “COVID Vaccine” webpage. As of April, we are at St. Jude’s on weekdays and Aspira on weekends. Hope that helps!

Adele Jones | Reply

I was told that there would be appointments available for the vaccine at 6 pm. I checked at 6:01, and the website says that none are available. How do I get an appointment? I also need one for my 81 year old mother.

    William Albanese | Reply

    We received our allotment later than expected and have not been able to plan the logistics of the clinic in the time given. Please know that we’re working hard and will definitely open it up tomorrow evening. Check back then!

Eliza Morris | Reply

I received my first Pfizer dose on Friday and was very impressed with how smoothly things went!
Will I receive an email notification to schedule my 2nd dose? Thank you!

    William Albanese | Reply

    Thanks for the question Ms. Morris, we are working to email all patients in regards to scheduling their second dose. However, if you do not receive a reminder email, all patients are welcome to go out Vaccine page and click on the Scheduler to make an appointment. You can book appointments 1-5 days before they are due. Here is the address of our Vaccine page:

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